Thursday, May 2, 2013

A New, HEALTHIER Start...HerbaLife & MORE!

I've been waiting on May 1st to get's a journey to a new, healthier me.  This is not just for a month or two but for FOREVER and I am sticking to it this time.  I saw somewhere that losing weight, it's 80% what you eat and 20% of how active you are, exercising.  One quote I saw on Miss Jia's Instagram page that really stuck with me, "What you eat in private, WILL show in public." HMPH! I thought to myself, Let's GET IT CHARIS!

So, I made a move and my first move was to get something to control my eating, I needed a I joined the HerbaLife World.  Seeing as though this is my first time, I ordered the QuickStart Package, just to see how my body reacts to it first, then once I see my results after a month or so, then I'll step it up a notch.  I have seen so many AMAZING results and outcomes on Instagram, I mean it was crazy and I wanted that for myself!  See, my BIGGEST problem when it comes to food is snacking, snacking and snacking some more.  It's even harder when you go to work and people bring in food for the office, or order lunch or they have a community candy jar.  I mean the temptation is just EVERYWHERE!

I'm looking to lose about 20 lbs. or more if possible within the next month.  I mean, I am sticking to it and I am playing NO games.  It's really a mind thing when it comes to food.  You think you need it, you think you crave it, you think you want it, but once you say "NO" to it, that's it, you just walk away : )

Ok, so I have the eating and food under control, next is the active lifestyle, the working out, the exercising... the one thing that can be so hard for some people, for ME even, to just get up and DO lol
Some of my friends and I decided to join this 30 Day Cardio Challenge put together by this trainer in Atlanta, GA.  It's not too late to sign up, but you will have to catch up seeing as though it started on the 1st of the month.  You will receive a daily cardio regimen email, according to your level of expertise and you just go as hard as you can, for the 30 days, or however long the challenge lasts and at the end, you WILL see results from the hard work that you put in.  Along with the challenge, they do recommend downloading the phone app FitnessPal (which I already had) to track what you eat and your cardiovascular/strength exercises.  It will definitely keep you on track and keep you focused. 

With this support of friends and family, just staying strong and focused and believing in yourself, YOU CAN DO IT! I'll be coming to you guys during the month of May, and further on, giving you updates and just showing you what I'm DOING to better myself.


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