Woke up early this morning...with shoes on my mind
DSW is ALWAYS the first place I run to, it's just like a one-stop shop, is it not?!
I always say, "I need to build my flats game up...EVERY TIME I go in focused on buying a pair of flats, I get distracted by a BAD pair of heels!"
YUP, that's what ALWAYS happens lol
These caught my eye this morning, doing a little searching on the World Wide Web...LOVE Spring!
I love the first pair of heels. CUTE!
Those are cute get ALL of them! LOL...Hey I am coming to Dallas on May 18th was trying to get a little meetup together with some bloggers and vloggers I would really love for you to attend!! Please let me know if you would like too:-)
I REALLY want the first pair too!!!
Ok! Great email me your info!
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